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Beef in Hinduism

The Myth of beef-eating Hindu

Beef eating in Ancient India

In the past couple of years, whenever they get an opportunity, a few commies and the christo-islamists in Kerala used to get charged upon their appetite for Beef. The English media used to play along by serving all kinds of madness by even branding the communities dedicating their lives for the protection of cattle as terrorists. Spiritually semi-literate Indians relentlessly run the propaganda to show Beef is an integral part of the culture of Kerala and the North-Eastern states of India.

Perhaps, the leftist and christo-lamist attempts to portray Kerala distinct from the rest of India so that when the Jihadi – Crusaders from JNU shout ‘Kerala Mange Azadi’, the entire Kerala shall play along. However, recently, some hinduphobes from the right-wing also started to peddle the propaganda of ‘Cow meat is popular among Kerala Hindus.’ Some even went ahead seeking approval for beef-eating among the Hindus. However, history and ground realities in Kerala and the Northeastern states of India show a different picture.

Historical records point that Kerala under Hindu rule considered cow protection as an essential duty of the state. A Nair warrior as part of the graduation ceremony after the Kalaripayattu training took oath in front of the King to protect Brahmins and cows(1). Samuthiri kings of Kozhikkode also vowed to protect Brahmins and cows during their royal coronation ceremony. “At Yagneswaram he is met by Vemaneheri Namputiri, a descendant of Melattur Agnihotri. The Eralped (Zamorin) gives him an ola (text), promising to protect Brahmins, temples and cows.” (2)

“A fifteenth-century Chinese observer says that the two communities had agreed to abstain from the consumption of Beef and pork and that respect for cows were the conditions for settlement for Muslims.”(3). Kamal-ud-din Abdur Razzaq, the emissary of Shah of Persia to Vijayanagar empire wrote about Kozhikode: The inhabitants of Calicut are adventurous sailors. They are known by the name tchini betchagan (sons of Chinese) and pirates do not dare to attack the vessels of Calicut. In this harbor, one may find everything that can be desired. One thing alone is forbidden, namely, to kill a cow, or to eat it’s flesh: whosoever should be discovered slaughtering or eating one of these animals would be immediately punished with death. When Vasco da Gama first came to India, the Samuthiri of Kozhikode welcomed him but on one condition; “You must not slaughter the cows.” An incident depicted by Gundert in Kerala Pazhama shows the early Portuguese cow killing during the second voyage of Gama.

It was the European Christians who introduced cow meat-eating in Kerala. Not only the Moplahs, but the Syrian Christian community also abstained from consuming cow meat following the law of the land. Nasranis (Early Syrian Christians) used to eat meat, fish, and eggs but abstained from cow meat. In a zest to catholicize the Syrian Christians, Bishop Menezes even said Nasranis that it’s unchristian to abstain from cow meat. (4). The adherence of the Portuguese to cow meat was always a problem in Kerala. Companions of archbishop Menezes killed a cow during his visit to Angamaly, and that led the Nazranis of Angamaly to lie to King of Mangattu. Travancore kingdom refused Portuguese in business because of their violence on cow and temples. Aithihyamala, a Malayalam chronicle depicts that Shaktan Tampuran of Kochi beheaded a Mohammedan for killing a cow.

The Paraya (pariah) community used to consume the meat of dead cattle. They were not killing any animal but ate only the flesh of dead animals whose skin they used for making hide. The troops of Tipu and Hyder Ali of Mysore used to force-feed Hindus of Kerala to convert them into Islam. P. Raman Menon, the biographer of Shaktan Tampuran, the King of Cochin during Tipu’s invasion, writes, “There was hardly any cowshed left in Malayalam lands where the Mysore Tiger did not enter.”(5). K.P. Padmanabha Menon writes, “Thousands upon thousands were forcibly converted and compelled to eat Beef, the highest sin a Hindu can commit.” (6)

Even today, traditional Hindus of Kerala do not devour cow meat, although the media and intellectuals want the world to believe otherwise. The change in demographic patterns in the past centuries, communist influences in the government set up, and education along with the cultural transformation brought by gulf migration has increased the availability of Beef in public space. However, Hindus generally do not cook or eat Beef in their home. Most of the loud noise showing beef in Kerala comes from the high decibel presence of leftists and abrahamists in the narrative building mediums. The silent majority of Kerala still poignantly adhere to the ways of the ancestors, devotion for the devatas.

Now looking into the Northeastern states, Hindus of Bengal strictly abstain from beef consumption. Marxism could never make political inroads in India but managed to create an anti-Hindu class that still controls newsrooms and academia. Most of these anti-Hindu class ruling newsrooms are the English-speaking Bengali elite who however do not identify themselves with the devout, traditional Hindus living in Bengal. Such an elite class cannot be considered as representative of the average Hindu Bengali in rural Bengal.

Northeastern states are heavily Christianised, with almost 100 percent demographic shift. So the idea that beef consumption in the Northeastern states is by Hindus can only be baseless propaganda. “The earliest entry of the Christians into the Northeast can be traced much before the advent of British rule. Milton Sangma (1987) has mentioned that the earliest recorded visit by the Christian missionaries to Northeast India was in 1626 by two Jesuit missionaries”. (8). Ahom Kings could keep missionaries away from Assam until the Treaty of Yandabo (1826). Still, Christian expansion in the rest of the northeast was possible only during 1931-51. After the formation of the Indian republic, Nehru put the North-Eastern states under foreign ministry giving the American missionaries full autonomy. Sikkim saw heightened proselytization after joining the Indian union.

Regarding the consumption of cow meat in northeastern India, cattle rearing has been very rare in the hills due to unfavorable terrain. The royal proclamation of king Punshiba (1404-32 A.D.) of the Meities mentions cow slaughter as a punishable offense (9). The Bru tribes who are still not converted to Christianity abstain from the consumption of cow meat. The unconverted people from the tribes in the populous Brahmaputra valley always keep themselves away from cow meat.

Cows in Buddhist Bhutan wander the streets & no one gets mad at them for blocking the road. They import meat from neighboring India if they want to eat it. In Buddhist majority Burma, the British colonial administrators posed a threat to Burma’s cattle, according to Ledi Sayadaw, as they had no qualms about eating beef. The beef boycott movement became very successful and was promoted by monks. The questions asked by the great daimyō, Toyotomi Hideyoshi to the Portuguese missionary Coelho throws light to the aversion Japanese maintained for cow meat. He asked, “Why do you do such unreasonable things as eating useful animals like horses and cows that serve people?”

An overview of pre-Abrahamic practices in the cultures similar to northeastern India and the history of cow protection in Kerala shows that Indic communities, in general, used to abstain from consuming cow meat. The tendency of our society to believe everything peddled by the leftists coupled with the efficient propaganda machinery working to create political narratives for short-sighted material gains often creates unwanted myths hurting the Indic civilization as such. The myth of beef-eating Hindu in Kerala and North-Eastern parts of India is such an ill-informed, cunning promotion that can only help the subversive global powers. An urban educated Hindu who happened to have eaten beef can undergo shuddhi rituals and try to upgrade oneself into a sincere practitioner of the necessary mandates of dharma instead of trying to bend the rules for one’s convenience. If Hindus bend rules and disregard the fundamentals fearing the conversion of delinquent people from Hinduism, time isn’t far for Hinduism to look like Christianity.

Source for “Beef eating in Ancient India”

Beef eating in Tamil Nadu

All stories of Beef Eating in ancient Tamil Nadu are based on a paper presented in IHC, 1996. The author referred Beef eating in Palai (desert) region which is an imaginary poetic place . It is not a Geographical place in Tamil Nadu or Kerala.

K V Ramkrishna Rao presented a paper on beef eating in ancient Tamil land in Indian history congress at Chennai, in 1996.His main reference is a mention of beef eating in Palai region.

Where is PALAI ( Sandy Desert )? Tolkappiyam, the sangam literature, mentioned five region of Tamil love poetry ..Kuṟinji, Mullai, Neithal Pālai etc First three are mountain, forest and sea shore, but Palai means desert. There is no dessert in south India. Actually Palai is an imaginary geographical location.

According to post Sangam era Tamil poet Nakkirar, Palai is a separate situation has no proper place. It is a mental state after broken love, or may be poet knew about Arabian desert. Now a tribal group in an imaginary land would eat flesh with smell dose not proof that Tamilian would eat beef.

In his paper Rao himself mentioned various ancient Tamil terms of meat, none of them actually mean beef, the word Pulal is important. Pulal means dried meat with smell or dried fish. But later mentioning the same word he said that Tamilian would eat beef.

Now see what eminent Tamil scholar Kameel Zvelevil said quoting Tolkappiyam. The food of PALAI region was whatever they get from highway robbery, whatever, but that dose not mean cow too.

Dravidians also quote Poem 29 of Purananuru,

cook fish on a fire of Palmyra leaves, coconut and strong toddy ..

See, salty fish definitely smelly, so, the term pulal fit here.

Source for “Beef eating in Tamil Nadu”

Beef eating in Kerala

Once upon a time the only thing forbidden in Kerala was killing cows & eating their flesh. The Mohammedan ancestors of Wafa Hussain were allowed to set their foot in Kerala & practice their religion under the only condition that they respect cows.

  • A 15th century Chinese observer said that respect for cow was the only condition for settlement of the Muslims in the land that we call Kerala today. In return they were allowed to practice their religion.
  • Ibn Batutta recorded that the one thing alone that was forbidden in this land was to kill a cow or eat its flesh. Anyone discovered slaughtering or eating cow would be punished with death.
  • Portuguese officer Duarte Barbosa wrote that the punishment for killing a cow was burning hand in hot oil & then death.- Soldiers had to take oath that they will protect cows and Brahmanas.

Source for “Beef eating in Kerala”