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Buddhism and Women

Buddhism and Women

  • A Buddhist monk falls in love with a woman. Buddha asks him-“Brother, why are you in love with a woman. Women are lustful, wasteful, vile, degraded woe bringers”. And then he tells the story about how wicked a woman can be - Asatamanta jataka

  • “Women are treacherous ingrates” - Takka Jataka

  • “Wrathful are women, slanderers, ingrates, The sowers of dissension and fell strife! Then, Brother, tread the path of holiness, And Bliss therein thou shalt not fail to find”. Source: Takka Jataka

  • “Women are impure, give a bad smell, are timid, arouse fear and pretend friendship” - Buddha in Aṅguttara Nikāya

  • “Women are hateful. They bear grudge. Women are poisonous. Women are passionate and lustful. For most of the time women slander” - Buddha in Aṅguttara Nikāya
