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Demographic Future of Hindus

Demographic future of Hindus

Low total fertility rate (TFR): Biggest existential danger facing Hindu society. More than any terrorism, incidents of ethnic cleansing, conversion etc, low TFR is the biggest danger facing Hindu society today. The sooner Hindus realize this, the better their chances of survival. Low TFR can make turn you into absolute minority from absolute majority within a few generations.

There are communities in the world with lower TFR than Hindus, but those are richer communities with much higher Per Capita Income than Hindus. There is not a single community in the world that is as poor as Hindus (and Sikhs) having such a low TFR.

Until 1990, Japan was richer than US. Today, owing to decades of low TFR, Japan is literally on deathbed. Japan has oldest population in the world. By 2050, 47% of Japanese population will be old and dependent on others for survival. There is no replacement to provide for them. A skilled youthful population is the biggest resource to uplift any economy. Reduction of TFR is a bad third-world Nehruvian idea.

