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Fibonacci Series

In the introduction to his book, Liber Abaci, Fibonacci (c. 13th century CE) makes the following revelations

  1. I am the son of an official working in Bugia, Algeria.
  2. There was a colony of Indian Merchants in that city.
  3. It was there that I was introduced to Indian Mathematics.

Fibonacci further says, I loved Indian Mathematics to such an extent above all others that I completely devoted myself to it. I was also introduced to Greek, Arabic & Egyptian Math. But I found ALL of them, EVEN Pythagoras, to be erroneous compared to Indian Mathematics. For this reason, basing my book completely on Indian methods and applying myself with the greatest attention to it, but not without adding something of my own thought, I forced myself to compose this book. I demonstrated everything with proof. In my book, I have published the doctrine of Mathematics completely according to the Method of Indians. I have completely adopted the (Mathematical) Method of Indians because it is the most effective.

Thus, in his book, Fibonacci does NOT refer to Fibonacci Series as “Fibonacci Series”. Rather, he simply calls it “Indian Series”. Unlike many other Europeans, Fibonacci was NOT a plagiarist. He clearly mentioned his source and acknowledged his credit to ancient Indians. So as far as the, so called, “Fibonacci Series” is concerned, Fibonacci was only translating the Sutras of Pingala (c.3rd century CE) and his commentator Virahanka who derived “Fibonacci Series” several hundreds of years before Fibonacci was even born.
