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Gurudwaras in Pakistan

Condition of Gurudwaras in Pakistan

In Pakistan, there are around 517 Gurudwaras. Most of these Gurudwaras are extremely important to Sikhism as they are directly connected to the lives of Gurus. Nankana Sahib is to Guru Nanak what Ayodhya is to Lord Rāma.

Today, Sikhs do not own any of these Gurudwaras including Nankana Sahib. Most of these Gurudwaras are owned by Muslim WAQF board and are non functional. A few of them are owned by ETPB which is also headed by a Muslim.

Most of the 20,000 acres of Nankana Sahib Gurudwara has been leased to private players. This land is currently being looted and occupied by Land Mafia.

  1. Gurudwara Bal Lila in Nankana Sahib is the place where Guru Nanak spent his childhood. Today this Gurudwara is owned by Muslim WAQF board. And Daily worship does not even take place.
  2. Gurudwara Baoli Sahib in Lahore is the Gurudwara which houses Guru Arjun Dev’s well. Today, it is literally a Mosque with pictures of Mecca and Kaaba hanging on Gurudwara walls. It is owned and managed by Muslim WAQF board.
  3. Lahore’s Gurudwara Lal Khoohi, which stood on the place where Guru Arjan Dev was kept in confinement, has now been converted to a Muslim Dargah.
  4. Gurudwara Dera Sahib, the Gurudwara which stands on the place where Guru Arjan Dev was martyred, is also owned by Muslim WAQF board.
  5. Gurudwara Pahila Patshahi in Lahore is a Gurudwara established by Guru Nanak himself. It was here that Guru Nanak brought into Sikh fold a person named Dhuni Chand. Today, this Gurudwara is occupied and is under the custody of Pakistan WAQF board. A Muslim family usesthe shrine as its residence.
  6. Gurudwara Chowbachha Sahib Lahore - Guru Nanak ji himself visited this place. Muslim refugees coming from India in 1947 have settled in this Gurudwara and their family lives here even today. Sikhs pilgrims are denied entry.
  7. Gurudwara Chota Nankiana in Manga district near Lahore. Guru Nanak himself stayed here for several years. Guru Hargobind also stayed at this place. This Gurudwara had owns 50 acres of land. Gurudwara was burnt down in 1947 and has not been rebuilt since. Today, a Maulvi named Malvi Mushtaq owns the land of Gurudwara.
  8. Gurudwara Pahila Guru at Manak near Lahore. Guru Nanak had stayed here. This Gurudwara was burnt down in 1947 by Muslim refugees coming from India. Their descendants still live in the place and occupy the land. No Sikh worship happens here and Sikh pilgrims are denied entry.
  9. Gurudwara Pahila Guru at Bhail Gram in Kasur district. Guru Nanak had stayed at this place. Entire Gurudwara was burnt down in 1947. An arch is all that remains of it. Muslim refugees coming from India in 1947 settled here and they own this land now.


  2. Nankana Sahib shrine properties ‘usurped’, Pak MNA for probe