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History of Indian Muslim League

Muhammed Ismail, Jinnah’s right-hand man, campaigned for Pakistan. He gave them 29/29 seats in Madras. He stayed back in India after partition and said “I am unapologetic about my deeds”. On Jinnah’s last advice, he formed the Indian Branch of Muslim League (IUML) after partition. Before permanently leaving for Pakistan, Jinnah said “Don’t discard the party in India. There must be a Muslim league in India”. Acting on Jinnah’s advice, Ismail was elected as head of the Indian Muslim League. It was renamed to Indian Union Muslim League (IUML). When Ismail was asked, “Why did you campaign for Pakistan when you had to stay back in India?” He replied -" Pakistan is beneficial not only to Muslims of Pakistan but also to Muslims of India. We worked for Pakistan. We Indian Muslims are very proud of achieving Pakistan"
