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Tibet Before 1959

Tibet before China’s invasion

Tibet was a brutal and corrupt theocracy where 95% of the population were slaves or serfs. The 5% elite were monks, landlords and aristocrats. Their law said a monk or landlord was worth his weight in gold, whilst a woman, craftsman or peasant was worth their weight in straw.

Chopping off legs and arms was a common punishment for slaves.



Or even chaining them…


A common punishment for women was forcing them to carry a heavy wooden board around their neck for weeks on end. Slaves would also be constantly chained up, whether they were working in fields or locked up in rooms.


Human sacrifice was also common under the old regime. The 13th Dalai Lama wrote letter stating that he needs human intestines, skins, skulls and blood to celebrate his birthday.

Slave women also had to pay a heavy tax on any children they gave birth to, the baby would also registered with her slave owner, meaning her children would also grow up to be slaves as well. Image showing an enslaved woman having her baby signed away to the slave owner.


This practice of burying children alive under Buddhist Stupas took place until 1959. And no, this is not communist propaganda. Many European travelers witnessed such practices live.


